I recently developed the R package rivr
for teaching open-channel hydraulics.
Solving unsteady open-channel flow problems is often computationally expensive,
and an interpreted language
like R is usually not the right choice for this sort of program. However, the
Rcpp package makes it really
easy to embed C++ in your package. This means you can get the best of both
worlds by seamlessly linking compiled code into your R package. There are some
pretty great references for how and when you should
use C++ in R, but I think the best way to include it in packages is via
Rcpp attributes—especially
since it plays nice with devtools
and roxygen2
Programming with the C++ library provided by Rcpp
looks a lot like
programming in R. Consider the following function, first implemented in R and
then equivalently in C++:
# this is a silly function written in R
my_r_func = function(a, b){
res = a ;
if(a < b){
for(i in a:b){
res = res*b ;
} else {
for(i in b:a){
res = res*a
// this is a silly function written in C++
int my_cpp_func = function(int a, int b){
int res = a ;
if(a < b){
for(int i = a; i < b ; i++){
res *= b ;
} else {
for(int i = b; i < a; i++){
res *= a ;
return(res) ;
They look basically the same! The most obvious differences are that
(1) C++ functions and variables need to have their types explicitly defined,
(2) loops are defined slightly differently, (3) C++ lines need to end with a
semicolon, (4) you can use shortcuts like a *= b
instead of writing a = a*b
and (5) C++ comments use //
instead of #
. Otherwise a lot of things are the
same; if
and while
statements have similar syntax, you use curly braces
to group logic blocks, and you use return
and break
statements to exit
out of functions and loops.
There are a few other important differences that can trip you up though, and
some of them are subtle. I’ve made a short list of things for R programmers to
keep in mind when writing C++ code with Rcpp
Vector and matrix indices start at 0, rather than 1.
Consider the following function, first written in R and then in C++.
r_select_element = function(s, i){
double cpp_select_element(NumericVector s, int i){
# after loading C++ function in R
myvector = seq(5)
r_select_element(myvector, 1) # will return first element
cpp_select_element(myvector, 0) # will return first element
cpp_select_element(myvector, 1) # will return second element
r_select_element(myvector, 5) # will return last element
cpp_select_element(myvector, 4) # will return last element
cpp_select_element(myvector, 5) # will produce error
Use parentheses to refer to matrix elements.
Indexing a vector in C++ uses square brackets []
(like R), but for matrices
you must use parentheses ()
. To select an entire row or column of a matrix,
use _
in C++ .
# indexing in R
A = matrix(rep(0, 12), nrow = 3) # create 3x4 matrix filled with zeros
x = A[1,1] # select element in first row and column
y = A[1,] # select first row
z = y[1] # select first element
// indexing in C++
NumericMatrix A(3, 4, 0); // create 3x4 matrix filled with zeros
double x = A(1, 0) // select element in first row and column
double x = A[0, 0] // will fail
NumericVector y = A(0,_) // select first row
double z = y[0] // select first element
double z = y(0) // will fail
double quotes ""
are type string
, but single quotes ''
are type char
This one took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out. You can’t use
logical operators to directly compare a string
to a char
, so you need to
be consistent on both sides of the equality.
# string comparision in R
mystring = "foobar"
mystring[5] == "a" # will return TRUE
mystring[5] == 'a' # same as above
// string comparision in C++
std::string mystring = "foo"
mystring.at(4) == 'a' // will return TRUE
mystring.at(4) == "a" // will fail
You can’t store a function in a variable in C++, but you can use pointers to pass functions.
Pointers allow you to point to specific locations in the program memory, which means you can induce side-effects like change the underlying value of a variable or reference a function. You can do a lot with pointers, but they can also get you in trouble.
# functions as variables in R
my_add = function(a, b){ # create function
return(a + b)
my_r_func = my_add # store function in variable
my_r_func(1, 2) # call function
// using pointers to reference functions in C++
double cpp_my_add(double a, double b){ // create function
return(a + b);
double (*cpp_myfunc) (double, double); // create pointer by prepending with *
cpp_myfunc = &c_my_add; // point to existing function using &
cpp_myfunc(1, 2); // call function
Pointing to variables has slightly different syntax. I can’t really think of an equivalent operation in R!
NumericVector myvec(10, 0); //initialize a NumericVector of zeroes
NumericVector *pointvec; // create pointer by prepending with *
pointvec = &myvec // point to variable using &
*pointvec[0] = 5; // assign to first element via pointer
// you can also point to individual elements
double *pointelement;
pointelement = &myvec[0];
*pointelement = 5; // same as above
Those were the main pitfalls I ran into as an R programmer learning C++. Hopefully these tips and references will let you hit the ground running.
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