I was recently asked to generate a spatially-referenced polyline of a river thalweg (the location of minimum elevation) for a visualization in a paper I am a co-author on. In the paper, we explore river morphology using a large collection of river cross section surveys. The locations of these cross sections and the survey lines are available as a spatially-referenced GIS layer. However, the station elevation data itself is maintained as a separate table. In order to generate a polyline of the river thalweg, I needed to combine these two datasets.
The cross sections are specified in an HEC-RAS model. RAS allows you to
export the cross section cut lines as a shapefile using RAS Mapper, so
I did that first.
The station-elevation data is a bit more complicated to access.
The data is stored in the HEC-RAS hydraulic model geometry file. One
option would be to export the geometry to a text file, and the use R
to read from the file. However, I’ve been building an R package (tentatively
named RAStestR
) for working with HEC-RAS model data over the past few months,
so I already have the framework in place for extracting station-elevation data
directly from the geometry file (stored in HDF format).
I used my package to read the cross section data directly.
# devtools::install_github("mkoohafkan/RAStestR")
project.geom = "myproject.g01.hdf"
xs = read_xs(project.geom, from.geometry = TRUE)
Obviously, creating a spatially-referenced polyline is going to involve
GIS software. I’m pretty comfortable with ArcGIS and the arcpy
module, so it was the natural choice for doing the spatial manipulations.
However, because I wanted to use my R package for manipulating HEC-RAS data
I preferred to work from R. I wasn’t sure how well
would work with arcpy
, so it was a good opportunity to test the iterface.
First, I imported the arcpy
module and specified the relevant file paths.
arcpy = import("arcpy")
project.gdb = "path/to/project.gdb"
xs.file = file.path(project.gdb, "project_cross_sections")
Next, I needed to load in the feature class and loop through the cross
sections to extract the location of the thalweg at each cross section.
I first created a temporary representation of the cross section cut
lines using the
from the ArcGIS management toolbox. Then, I used an
object to access each feature in the layer.
I can use a search cursor to extract arcpy geometry objects using the
“SHAPE@” geometry selection token.
Using arcy.da.SearchCursor
creates a Python iterator, so I used the
function from reticulate
to loop through the features.
For each feature, I calculated the distance of the thalweg from the
left edge of the cross section, and then extracted the location of this
point based on the fraction of the total length of the cross section.
Then, I created a point at this location using the method positionAlongLine
# create a list that will store the geometry objects
points = list()
# create a feature selection
selection = "xs_selected"
layer = arcpy$management$MakeFeatureLayer(xs.file, selection)
# iterate over the cut lines: River_Stat is the cross-section label
cursor = arcpy$da$SearchCursor(selection, list("River_Stat", "SHAPE@"))
row = iter_next(cursor)
while (!is.null(row)) {
# get station name from cut line
this.station = row[[1]]
# extract the station-elevation data from the table
this.xs = subset(xs, Station == paste0("XS_", this.station))
# calculate the distance of the thalweg from the cross section edge,
# as a fraction of the total length of the cut line
frac.over = with(this.xs, Distance[which.min(Elevation)]/max(Distance))
# create a point at that location and add it to the list
points = append(points, row[[2]]$positionAlongLine(frac.over, TRUE))
# go the next cut line
row = iter_next(cursor)
The for
loop generates a list of geoprocessing geometry objects,
which are the point locations of the thalweg at each cross section.
I was a bit worried that using the
geometry token wouldn’t work, and that reticulate
wouldn’t be able to
handle the geometry class object generated by the query. But it worked
perfectly! This, in my opinion, is what makes
so much more powerful than other Python-R interfaces
(e.g., PythonInR
). The ability to maintain Python objects in R,
and interact with them in the same way that you would in Python,
allows you to recreate virtually any Python analysis using R.
Once I’d finished processing the geometry,
it was easy to export those points to a feature class
using the CopyFeatures
tool from the Management toolbox. It’s good
practice to clean up after yourself when using arcpy
, so I used the
tool to delete the temporary feature selection I created.
# export the points to a feature class
thalweg.points = file.path(project.gdb, "thalweg_points")
arcpy$management$CopyFeatures(points, thalweg.points)
# all done, delete the feature selection
The last step was to compute a polyline from the points using the
tool (also in the management toolbox).
# generate a polyline from the points
thalweg.line = file.path(project.gdb, "thalweg_line")
arcpy$management$PointsToLine(thalweg.points, thalweg.line)
That’s it!
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